Wrestling AND horror? I’m in!

wrestlemaniacWrestlemaniac is the gory B-movie slasher story of Alphonse and his low budget porn cast and crew, as they visit Mexico to shoot their next porn flick. After getting lost, the group stumbles across a disused petrol station in search of directions and petrol (gas if you’re American!). A weird stranger emerges and gives them directions to the closest town. He warns them about ‘La Sangre de Dios’ a ghost town they must pass on their journey and not to stop under any circumstances as it is the stomping ground of the former professional wrestler gone psychopath; El Mascarado! Alphonse decides he knows better and that Le Sangre de Dios is the perfect location for their porn shoot…bad choice!

After starting their shoot, the group starts to get picked off one by one in gory fashion. El Mascarada does what any good ‘bad guy’ wrestler would do and removes their masks, by which I mean, he tears their faces off!

Wrestlemaniac follows the good old tried and tested slasher flick formula; a group of sex mad, drug fuelled teens stuck in the middle of nowhere getting picked off one by one. The big difference is the removal of a crazed monstrous killer, and putting in a smallish Mexican wrestler who probably could rip off someone’s face with his bare hands.

There are some great comedy moments in Wrestlemaniac. Clothes being torn off already scantily clad women, camera focus on said women’s bums during chases and one girl running full pelt in a pair of stripper heels. Now that was impressive! There’s also a nice nod to Friday the 13th with one of the shops in the ghost town being called Voorhees.

I thought Wrestlemaniac was great. A silly plot, a fantastic villain and some pretty gruesome moments. I’d recommend sitting down with a few mates and a load of beers to witness the madness of El Mascarado!

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