If you like your films with a budget over about 12p, stop reading now!
RetarDEAD is a super low budget movie about a young girls dream. A pretty fucked up dream if I may say so! With ‘The Weiner Wagger’, a serial public masturbator on the loose, the police are using all their resources to catch the pervert, leaving the evil Dr. Stein to slip under the radar and get a job teaching at the local special needs school. Dr. Stein starts to conduct experiments on the ‘special’ kids injecting them with a drug that makes them super smart. Unfortunately, the drug has a side effect…it turns the kids into zombies!
After finding The Weiner Wagger, who is bizarrely pretty much forgiven straight away for his crimes, the police realize that something is wrong and go after Dr. Stein, in a quest to stop his evil experiments.
RetarDEAD is completely over the top with zero regard for morals and will likely offend anyone with any social values. If you like to have a moral to a story, there isn’t one. It’s everything that makes low budget movies great. Buckets of blood, gore, silliness, goofy comedy and some great one-liners are all in there. The two main cops: Deputy Dan and Deputy Rick are fantastic. They’re the shittiest cops I think I’ve ever seen portrayed in a film. They have some great exchanges that had me laughing my arse off.
I though RetarDEAD was absolutely fantastic. A super low budget film with great characters and all the elements I look for in a movie. There are also a great set of fake adverts at the beginning of the movie, very tongue in cheek and very funny!
I was a bit confused at first as to why there is a shit monster at the beginning of the film, which is again referenced later on, but has nothing to do with the movie. What did surprise me after a bit of Internet research is that it is actually a sequel to another low budget flick called ‘Monsturd’ which as I gather is about this shit monster. I will certainly track it down as soon as I can!
One thing that RetarDEAD did teach me is that if I ever find myself in a zombie apocalypse and see a group of sexy lady zombies dancing in perfect synchronicity, I need to run away as fast as fucking possible!