Revenge…….it feels fucking good


Piggy-film-posterPiggy, on the shelf is one of those British films that look like it’s going to be all “Hoodies and gangsters”. I can assure you it certainly isn’t. Piggy is a dark violent revenge flick following Joe, a meek loner whose brother is murdered by a gang of thugs; and Piggy, both an old friend of Joe’s brother and an avenging angel with a passion for violence and revenge. What ensues is a methodical and brutal wave of revenge that quickly spirals out of control.


A serious eye for an eye movie that makes you question what’s right and what’s wrong.



I really enjoyed Piggy, Paul Anderson’s portrayal as Piggy is absolutely fantastic. The unhinged vigilante sent shivers down my spine from the first moment he appeared on screen. A believable and creepy performance, that Paul should be proud of. Piggy is definitely worth a watch!


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